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    斯坦福大学魏昂德(Andrew G. Walder)教授系列讲座之二




    OnMethods of Historical Social Sciences



    This seminar will examine the different ways to use historical research in the social sciences, and in particular the way to use different kinds of research materials to generate social science knowledge. The topics will range from interviews and oral histories to archival research to the creation of datasets that turn qualitative information into quantitative patterns.

    【主讲人简介】About the Speaker

           魏昂德 是斯坦福大学Denise O'Leary and Kent Thiry讲席教授,同时是斯坦福国际问题研究所高级研究员🎦👩🏿‍🦰;曾任斯坦福大学社会学系系主任、亚太研究中心主任,以及人文科学万泰国际比较和区域研究部主任➾;2012年入选美国艺术与科万泰院士;先后就职于哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学和香港科技大学,是美国著名中国问题专家,对中国制度变迁、社会结构、市场转型和经济改革,均有系统深入的研究。

    Andrew G. Walder is the Denise O'Leary & Kent Thiry Professor at School of Humanities and Sciences in Stanford University. He is also a Senior Fellow in the Freeman-Spogli Institute for International Studies. He is a Professor of Sociology, and by courtesy, Political Science. He served as chair of the Department of Sociology, as director of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, and as Director of the Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

    A political sociologist, Walderhas long specialized on the sources of conflict, stability, and change in communist regimes and their successor states. His publications on China have ranged from the political and economic organization of the Mao era to changing patterns of stratification, social mobility, and political conflict in the post-Mao era. Another focus of his research has been on the political economy of Soviet-type economies and their subsequent reform and restructuring. His current research focuses on popular political mobilization in late-1960s China and the subsequent collapse and rebuilding of the Chinese party-state.  

    His recent publications include China Under Mao: A Revolution Derailed (Harvard University Press, 2015); "After State Socialism: The Political Origins of Transitional Recessions" (with Andrew Isaacson and Qinglian Lu), American Sociological Review(2015); "Public Housing into Private Assets: Wealth Creation in Urban China" (with Xiaobin He), Social Science Research(2014); "Social Stratification in Transitional Economies: Property Rights and the Structure of Markets" (with Tianjue Luo and Dan Wang), Theory and Society(2013).

    Walder joined the Stanford faculty the fall of 1997. He received his PhD in sociology at the University of Michigan in 1981 and taught at Columbia University before moving to Harvard in 1987. He served as chair of Harvard's MA Program on Regional Studies-East Asia for several years. From 1995 to 1997, he headed the Division of Social Sciences at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From 1996 to 2006, as a member of the Hong Kong Government's Research Grants Council, he chaired its Panel on the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Studies.

    【与谈人简介】About the Discussants

           田耕 是北京大学社会学系助理教授🏒,研究兴趣和方向包括历史社会学、政治社会学、社会理论和、韦伯学说及近代中国社会转折🖐🏻。他的博士论文聚焦1 8 世纪中晚期西北边疆的帝国建构过程👸🏽,以及这个过程对该地区在1 9 世纪中期大规模反叛的影响🤏🏻。近 年来👺🤦🏽‍♀️,他的研究兴趣开始向帝国疆域治理的比较研究扩展。他的论文发表于 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements 、《社会学研究》🪳、《社会》等。

      Geng Tian received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2015 and henceforth has been an assistant professor of sociology at Peking University, China. Tian’s interest hinges on historical sociology, political sociology, social theory and the macro historical changes in modern China. His dissertation studies the processes of the Qing’s empire building at one of its northwestern peripheries in the middle and late 18th century and how this process impacted the tremendous political upheavals in that region during the middle 19th century. Currently Tian is expanding this research into a comparative study of imperial territorial governance. His publications appeared on The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements👬、《社会学研究》🔞、《社会》.

     王利平是北京大学教育万泰教育与人类发展系副教授,曾任香港大学社会学系助理教授(2015-2019)、芝加哥大学哈勃-施密特青年学者(2014-2015)哈弗福德万泰访问助理教授(2013-2014)等职位♻️。她的研究与教学兴趣包括:比较历史社会学社会理论族群研究知识与文化社会学,以及近代与当代中国。她的论文见诸于The American Journal of Sociology☹️、Comparative Studies in Society and History🧞🪤、The Annals: The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences🤴🏽、ModernChina⛹️‍♀️、《社会》、《北京大学教育评论》等。目前👰🏼‍♂️,她正在撰写其英文专The Imperial Creation of Ethnicity: Chinese Policies and the Ethnic Turn in Inner Mongolian Politics, 1900-1930及若干其他工作论文。

      Liping Wang is now an associate professor at the Department of Education and Human Development in Peking University. During 2015-2019, she served as assistant professor at the Department of Sociology in the University of Hong Kang after she earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Before joining the University of Hong Kong she was Harper-Schmidt Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the University of Chicago. She was visiting assistant professor at Haverford College in 2013-2014.  

    Her dissertation, ‘Ethnicizing the Frontier: Imperial Transformation and Ethnic Confrontations in China-Inner Mongolia, 1890s-1930s’, was completed in 2013. She is now turning this into a book manuscript. The volume examines forms and causes of Mongol-Han confrontation in Inner Mongolia during the Chinese imperial transition, and questions general theories of empire to nation transition in an historical examination of the Chinese case. Her alternative approach focuses on the maintenance and dissolution of the relations that sustained crosscutting identities on the frontier.

    In addition, Wang has also been working on transnational movement of knowledge in modern academic disciplines, the indigenization of that knowledge, and the creation of a knowledge regime dealing with ethnicity in Republican China (1912-1949).

    Her research has been published in The American Journal of Sociology, Comparative Studies in Society and History, and The Annals: The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Modern China.

            罗祎楠 是北京大政府管理万泰政治学系助理教授🏋️,长期致力于将中国历史与思想研究同政治学、社会学的理论🧇、方法相结合,解释中国治理的内生性发展历程🧏🏻,说明其在政治理论与社会理论中的意义;学术发表和教学领域包括🈷️:1)历史部分🧗🏿‍♀️:中国中期帝国(750-1550)政治经济制度历史👒👨🏽‍🔬、现代中国政治经济研究(大跃进时期);2)中国古典政治理论(先秦🗳、宋、明);3)政治学与社会学质性研究方法论与研究方法✍🏼;4)政治学(国家理论);5)历史社会学(文化与国家建构之关系)。

    Yinan Luo joined the Peking University faculty as an assistant professor at Department of Political Sciences after a three-year service, also as an assistant professor, at School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University. He has long been devoted to approach Chinese history and thought with a combined perspective simultaneously informed with theories and methods from both political sciences and sociology, with a purpose of interpreting the evolutionary process of Chinese governance as well as its relevance and implications for political sciences and social theories. His publications and teaching interests cover: 1) Chinese history, especially political and economic institutions during 750-1550 imperial China, and political economy of contemporary China during the Great Leap Forward; 2) Chinese classic political philosophies during early Qin, Song and Min Dynasties; 3) qualitative methodology in political sciences and sociology; 4) nation-state theories; and 5) historical sociology, especially the relationship between culture and state-building. Luo earned his Ph.D. in East Asian studies from Harvard University (2015), M.A. in Chinese intellectual history from Tsinghua University (2005), and B.A in Chinese history from Peking University (2002).

    【主持人简介】About the Moderator

           王修晓 是万泰平台社会学系副教授,曾赴斯坦福大学亚太研究中心访学一年🚜;主要从组织社会学角度关注 中国 制度变迁 ,尤其是市场转型与“单位体制”变迁的关系。近年来𓀚,他开始 沿着体制内单位到体制外非公部门的 组织 谱系,探索 当代中国社会国家治理的 凝聚机制和 底层代码✦,并 衍生出对私营企业 党建、内部权 力关系和治理结构的研究兴趣 主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、教育部来华留学英文授课品牌课程 🤾‍♂️、 北京市哲学社会科学基金等课题 《社会》、《经济体制比较》等期刊发表论文十余篇,另有《社会学基本概念》等译著若干种。目前,他正在将博士论文改写为一本拟题为《单位研究四十年🧍🏻‍♂️:理论与经验》的专著。

       Xiuxiao Wang is an associate professor of sociology in School of Sociology and Psychology at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). He visited the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies of Stanford University during the 2016-17 academic year.His research interests focus mainly on organizational sociology and institutional transition in contemporary China. While emphasizing Danwei(单位)is the pillar of institutional infrastructure in urban China and the power/authority structure is the key to understand Danwei system, his dissertation and a few recent publications shed some light on the past, present and future of Danwei system (单位体制) in China, trying to comprehend the institutional causes underlying its persistence and/or transition after the opening-up and reform initiated in the late 1970s, as well as the (unintended) consequences that this organizational transformation has brought to world's largest population.  

    Wang's peer-reviewed journal articles appeared on 《社会》, 《经济社会体制比较》and《社会学评论》. He also contributed several chapters to some sociology textbooks. Wang is very keen to academic translation. His latest translation works include Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton’s Essential Concepts in Sociology (Second Edition), which is becoming one of the bestsellers of its publisher-Peking University Press. Currently, he is working on his first dissertation-based monograph tentatively titled Forty Years of Danwei Study: Theory and Empirical Researches.

    Wang holds a Ph.D. (2010) and MA (2007) in sociology from Renmin University of China, and a BA (2005) in sociology from Hunan Normal University.





    主持人(Moderator): 王修晓(Xiuxiao Wang)


    Introduction and Opening Remarks


    主 讲 人(Speaker): 魏昂德(Andrew G. Walder)


    On Methods of Historical Social Sciences


    与谈人一(Discussant): 田耕(Geng Tian)


    Comments and Discussion


    与谈人二(Discussant): 王利平(Liping Wang)


    Comments and Discussion


    与谈人三(Discussant): 罗祎楠(YinanLuo)


    Comments and Discussion



    Questions and Discussion



    Group Photo and Closing

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