Department of Sociology

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Wang Jichao


Jichao WANG

School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics,  

39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China 100081

TEL: (8610) 18611279037


Research Fields

Enterprise Sociology

Current Position

Professor, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, China




2008-2009   Visiting Scholar,Department of Sociology,University of


2003-2006   Post-doctor, historical culture and regional economy development

Post-doctor Station, School of History and Culture, Sichuan University,

Sichuan, China

1999-2002   Ph.D., Ethnonymics

Central University for Nationalities, Beijing, China

1997-1999   Master, Ethnonymics

Yunnan Institute of Nationality, Yunnan, China

1994-1996   Bachelor of Law, Politics

Anhui Institute of Education, Anhui, China

1990-1993   Administrative Management

Junior College, Anhui University, Anhui, China

Work Experience

2009-2012   Professor, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, China

2005-2009   Vice Professor,Deputy Director, News Center

Central University of Finance and Economics, China

2002-2005   Vice Professor, School of Social Development

Central University of Finance and Economics, China


Research on Recycling Economic Development of Corporations in Western Ethnic Area . The Ethnic Publishing House. June, 2009

The population mobility and the transition of the clan culture of Bai ethnic group. The Ethnic Publishing House. June, 2006

Strategic Research on the Development of Chinese Corporation and Recycling Economy. Post-doctor Research Report. 2006

(Typical) Journal Articals

The Study of the Cyclic Economy in Chinese Western Business: The Example of 271 Listed Companies,Ethno-National Studies,No 1, 2009

Research on the Construction of the Biological Industry Chain for the Development of Recycling Economy of the Companies in the Western Ethnic Area, Ethno-National Studies,No 3, 2008

Issues Needing to Be Resolved in the Subject Norms of Economic Sociology”, Collection of New Concept of Development – Economy. Society. Humanity, The Ethnic Publishing House, May, 2004

“Study on the Analysis of Social Capital and its measurement”, Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Philosophy and Social Science), p:12, February, 2004

“On the Education of Children of Mobile Population”, Journal of Honghe University, p:15, June, 2003

“Researches into Social Capital and its Non-balance”, Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Philosophy & Social Science), p:12, January, 2004

“The Analysis of Social Capital's No -proportion Distribution and Forms of Private Fund Mobility”, Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, p:8, Octorber, 2003

“On the Traditional Functions of the Bai Family Culture and their Development”, Journal of Yunnan University for Nationalities(Social Sciences), p:34, April, 2003

“A Study of the Floating Population of Dali Municipality and the Cross-cultural Influence since the Reform”, Journal of Yunnan Institute of The Nationalities(Social Sciences), p:11, June, 2000

“Correlative Development of the Mobile Population's Culture in Dali and the Native Culture”, Journal of the Central University of Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), p:2, May, 2000


Face. China Friendship Publishing Company. 2000

Stories of “KISS”. Digest of Chinese and Foreign Books. 2001.1


“Research on Agricultural Recycling Economic Development Planning in Northern Mountains of Huairou District”, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, 2006

“Research on Science and Technology Development Planning in Huairou District During the Tenth Five-Year Plan”, Beijing Huairou Science and Technology Commission, 2005

“Research on Hi-tech Industry Development Planning in Huairou District During the Tenth Five-Year Plan”, Beijing Huairou Science and Technology Commission, 2005

“Research on Restraining, Incentive Mechanism of Recycling Economy”, Central University of Finance and Economics

“Research on Population Flow and Cultural Interaction in Dali”, the sub-project of “Comparative Research on Population Flow and Cultural Interaction in Frontier Minority Areas – Research on Floating Population in Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Xishuangbanna”, already completed, to be published with the results of other study participants

“Research on Industrial Structure Changes and Education Development”, the sub-project of “Research on the Transformation Model of Urban and Rural Education Structural System in the Course of China's Urbanization”, the Important Project of Ministry of Education of P.R.C in the tenth Five-Year Plan of Education and Science, personal part already completed

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