Department of Sociology

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Yin Yin


Yin Yin  Associate Professor

Associate professor, School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics

Research Field: Social work and social policy

Research Interests: Older adults, Disabled persons


2011, Ph.D in Gerontology, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China (RUC), Beijing, China.

2005, BA in Public Administration, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China (RUC), Beijing, China.

Work Experience

2011—,School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics

2015.8—2016.8,Visiting scholar, University of Southern California

Projects (Chief Investigator)

2012-, Job-seeking Experiences of Under-graduate Students: Implications for the Chinese Higher Education in Popularization Stage. Supported by the National Education Sciences Planning Foundation.

2011-2014, Service Demands of the Disabled in Beijing: Based on the Family Point of View. Supported by Beijing Planning of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation.


Yin Yin. Policy Research of Services for the Disabled: Family Focus. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2015.

Yin Yin, Zhou Junshan, Lu Junjie. (2014). Who is More Likely to be an Autonomous Enrollment Student? Establishing Multiple Evaluation Index System of Autonomous Enrollment. Tsinghua Journal of Education, 6:41-47.

Yin Yin. (2014). Influence of Family Situation on the Choice of Service Mode of Disabled Persons. Population and Society, 1:66-71.

Zhou Junshan, Yin Yin. (2013). Influence of Housing to Life Satisfaction of Urban Elderly. Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 16:3949-3952.

Yin Yin. (2013). Influence and Countermeasure of Disability to Family: Based on Beijing Service Demand Survey for the Disabled. Lanzhou Academic Journal, 9: 87-92.

Zhou Junshan, Yin Yin. (2013). How the New Generation Female Migrant Becoming Prostitutes. Youth Studies, 4:50-60.

Yin Yin. (2013). Family’s Influence to the Disabled Service Demand at Home: Based on Researches in Beijing. Disability Research, 3:53-58.

Yin Yin, Wu Cangping. (2013). Has Family Planning Policy Led to Population Adverse Selection? Analysis Based on China’s Provincial Panel Data. Journal of Renmin University of China, 1:89-97.

Zhou Junshan, Yin Yin. (2012). Predict of the GSP Non-contributory Pension Plan. Rural Economy, 12:83-86.

Yin Yin. (2012). Old-age Support and Mother’s Family Status: Sons Only or Both Sons and Daughters? Population Research, 6:100-109.

Yin Yin, Zhou Junshan. (2012). The Role of Demographic Dividend to China Economic Growth: Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data. Nankai Economic Studies, 2: 120-130.

Yin Yin, Chu Shijing, Chen Yiyuan. (2011). International View: Focus on China’s Gerontology. International Academic Developments, 5:6-10.

Zhou Junshan, Yin Yin. (2011). The Influence of Family Planning Policy to Chinese Household Saving Rate: Based on the China’s Provincial Panel Data. Journal of Financial Research, 10:61-73.

Yin Yin. (2011). Family, Social Support and Service Demand of the Disabled. Disability Research, 4:26-30.

Yin Yin, Zhou Junshan. (2011). Review on Earthquake Influence to Human and the Response. Journal of Catastrophology, 1:118-122.

Yin Yin. (2011). Social Meaning of Discovery of Disabled Older Adults. Disability Research, 2:7-10.

Yin Yin. (2010). Influence of Wenchuan Earthquake to the Older Adults. Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 24:3753-3756.

Yin Yin, Zhou Junshan, Zhang Tianjiao. (2010). Housing’s Influence on Family Intergenerational Support for the Urban Elderly. Population and Economics, 2:76-81.

Complete list of publications available upon request.

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