Department of Sociology

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Hu Yang


Dr. Yang Hu🤦🏿,Associate Professor

School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Financeand Economics

Research interests:  Child and youth services; family andcommunity researchfinancial social work



Educational Qualifications

10/2009-07/2013 PhD (Social Work)

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

09/2006-07/2009 Master of Management

Beijing Normal University, China

09/2002-07/2006 Bachelor of Management

Beijing Normal University, China

Work History

09/2014-current   School of Sociology and Psychology,

Central University of Finance and Economics



Books and Chapters

Fang, S., & Hu, Y. (2018). AStudy on the indigenous experiences of social work intervention in communitycorrection: Practices from Beijing and Shanghai. Beijing: Economic Science Press.

Hu, Y. (2017). Strategic talents in social work field in China. In Wang, J. (Eds.), Development ofstrategic talents in China. Beijing: Beijing NormalUniversity Publishing Group.

Mu. G. M.,& Hu,Y. (2016). Living with vulnerability and opportunity in a migrationcontext: Left behind children and floating children in China. Rotterdam:Sense Publishers.

Journal Articles

Hu, Y., Burton, J. A.,& Lonne, R. L. (underrevision). Experiences of informal kin caregivers raising children left behindin rural China. Child & Family Social Work.

Mu. G. M., Hu,Y., & Wang Y.(2017). Building resilience of students with disabilities in China: The roleof inclusive education teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67,125-134.

Hu, Y., Lonne, R. L,& Burton, J. (2016). The social exclusion of children left behind in China.Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 26(2-3), 77-87.

Mu. G. M.,& Hu,Y. (2016). Validation of the Chinese Version of the 12-Item Child andYouth Resilience Measure. Children and Youth Services Review,70,332-339.

Hu, Y., Burton, J., &Lonne, R. L (2016). Empowering Children Left Behind in China. Asian SocialWork & Policy Review, 10(2), 175–184.

Hu, Y., Lonne, R. L.,& Burton, J. A .(2014). Enhancing the capacity of kin caregivers and theirfamilies to meet the needs of children left behind. China Journal of SocialWork,7(2), 131-144.

Hu, Y., Lonne, R. L., & Burton, J. A. (2014). Informal kinship care inrural China: The influence of Confucianism and Attachment. Families,Relationships and Societies,3(2), 287-302.

Hu, Y., Burton, J. A.,& Lonne, R. L. (2013). A comparison of children’s needs models in theAustralian and Chinese context. Communities, Children and FamiliesAustralia,7(1), 75-87.


Research Grants


Social work services for floating children in Beijing, BeijingFederation of Social Sciences Circles fund, $8,000


The application of role play in participatory class, CUFE fund,$2,000


The impact of fieldwork on the professional identity of social workundergraduate students, CUFE fund, $2,000


Teaching Experience

I started my teaching role for social work undergraduate programsince 2014. I have been the lecturer for 10 different units, and contributed tothe curriculum development for MSW which will start in 2019. I have had unitcoordination and teaching responsibilities across theoretical and practicalareas such as the followings:

Social work theories

Social work with children and youth

Human behaviors and social environment

Social work in health environment


Conference Papers and Presentations


Hu, Y., Burton, J. A., & Lonne, R. L. “Be close to them”: Socialworkers’ relationship based practice with rural children in China, paperpresented at Social Work, Education and Social Development Conference, Dublin.


Hu, Y., Burton, J. A. Experiences ofinformal kin caregivers raising children left behind in rural China, paper presentedat the 24th Asia Pacific Joint Regional Social Work Conference,Shenzhen, China.


Hu, Y. Caregivers’ viewpoints of theneeds of children left behind in rural China, paperpresented at4th International Conference: Celebrating Childhood Diversity,Sheffield, UK.


Hu, Y. The needs ofchildren left behind in rural China, paperpresented atIHBI Inspires Postgraduate Student Conference, Brisbane,Australia


Social Services

Beijing Yingbo Social Services Center, board member

Beijing Changping Association of Social Work, board member

Child & Family Social Work, anonymous reviewer


Awards and Qualifications

06/2018   Outstanding teaching, CUFE

06/2017   Outstanding fieldwork coordination, CUFE

06/2017   Licensed social worker, Ministry of CivilAffairs of the RPC

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