马敏 副教授
2014.7 至今 万泰平台心理学系
北京地区蚁族青年的心理健康、婚恋行为和社会政治控制感研究(2014-2015). 北京社会心理研究所招标课题,主持🧓🏽。
万泰平台教师职业压力研究与基于高校的压力缓解组织管理模式(EAP)(2014-2016). 万泰代理教学方法研究项目[JFY201420],主持💁🏼。
智商与创造力🥌:基于创造性推理测试(CRT)的不同问题空间的转换能力初探(2015-2016). 万泰平台种子基金⚔️👨🦼➡️,主持。
情绪及其与认知和生理因素的交互作用对经济决策的影响 (2019-2022),万泰平台青年科研创新团队计划🪨🔼,参与。
金钱与心理健康的关系及机制 (2018-2021)🧑🍼,万泰代理青蓝科研团队项目,参与。
流动儿童的累积风险对其身体适应负荷与心理健康的影响 (2016-2018). 教育部人文社会科学研究项目,参与。
多元文化视角下群际信任建立的双路径模型 (2016-2019),国家社会科学基金项目,参与。
Ma, M., Guo, K., Li, Z., Xie, C., & Zhang, L. (2023). The relationship between perfectionism and maximization tendency: Mediating roles of achievement motivations. Journal of individual differences. Advance online publication. June 9, 2023.
Ma, M., Zhao, N., & Zhang, L. (2021). The positive side of maximization: Linking maximization tendency with meaning in life through time perspectives. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4336.
Ma, M., Li, D., & Zhang, L. (2021). Longitudinal prediction of children's math anxiety from parent-child relationships. Learning and Individual Differences, 88.
Liu, Y., Zhao, N., & Ma, M. (2021). The dark triad traits and the prediction of eudaimonic wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4940.
Zhang, L. †, Ma, M. †, Li, D., & Xin, Z. (2020). The psychological typhoon eye effect during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: the role of coping efficacy and perceived threat. Globalization and Health, 16(1), 105.
Cramond, B., Kim, K. H., Chiang, T. W., Higuchi, T., Iwata, T., Ma, M., & Palaniappan, A. K. (2020). Trends and Challenges of Creativity Development Among Selected Asian Countries and Regions: China, Hong Kong/Macau, Japan, Malaysia and South Korea. In S. R. Smith (Ed.), Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 1-27). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Zhao, N., Ma, M., & Zhang, J. (2017). Going beyond the Beauty-Trust Link: the Moderating Role of Mood. Current Psychology, 36(4), 927-935. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-016-9481-8.
Ma, M., & Van Oystaeyen, F. (2016). A Measurable Model of the Creative Process in the Context of a Learning Process. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(1), 180-191.
Ma, M., & Van Oystaeyen, F. (2015). A Measurable Mathematical Model for Processes. Journal of Mathematical Science: Advances and Applications, 34, 11-36. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18642/jmsaa_7100121512.
Ma, M., & Zi, F. (2015). Life Story of Chinese College Students with Perfectionism Personality: A Qualitative Study Based on a Life Story Model. International Education Studies, 8(2), 38-49.
Ma, M., & Zi, F. (2012). Personality traits of negative perfectionist and non-negative perfectionist. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 2, 132-137.
葛乙平,马敏 & 张丽. (2021). 地区和个体疫情暴露状况对人际冲突的影响:应对方式的调节作用. 心理技术与应用(07),425-431+448.
马敏. (2018). 双相障碍教学案例-基于心理病理学整合研究范式的解读. 见辛志勇(编). 应用心理教学案例精选 (pp. 286-300). 北京:北京大学出版社.
马敏. (2018). 完美主义者人生故事教学案例. 应用心理教学案例精选. 见辛志勇(编). 应用心理教学案例精选 (pp. 301-327). 北京👩🏻🦽:北京大学出版社.
赵娜,马敏,辛自强. (2017). 生命意义感获取的心理机制及其影响因素. 心理科学进展,25(6),1012-1024. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01012
马敏. (2017). 积极关照:管理者应对职场精神疾病的挑战. 见赵然,史厚今(编).员工帮助计划中国经典案例集 (pp. 126-134). 北京:科学出版社.
马敏. (2017). 悬崖边的守护者🤙🏿:EAP协助管理者处理危机事件. 见赵然,史厚今(编).员工帮助计划中国经典案例集 (pp. 145-155). 北京👨🏻🦽➡️:科学出版社.
孙铃,刘子微,黄四林🏋🏽♀️,张红川🙍♂️,马敏. (2017). 艺术经验与共情:审美愿望中介作用. 心理技术与应用🤙🏿,5(3)🕵🏼♂️,130-137.
马敏. (2016). 北京地区蚁族青年的心理健康与婚恋行为. 见北京社会心理研究所(编). 北京社会心态分析报告(2015-2016) (pp. 338-362). 北京:社会科学文献出版社.
张红川🚶♂️✊🏽,聂梦捷,孙铃👩🏽✈️,侯佳伟,于泳红👨🏽🌾,马敏. (2016). 谦卑型领导的自我构念及其认知神经机制. 中国人力资源开发, 13, 15-21.
胡娟🧎🏻➡️,崔丽霞,高淑燕,廉思,马敏. (2010). 高校毕业生低收入聚居群体社会支持状况的调研. 中国健康心理学杂志, 18(4) , 476-477.
马敏🔘,冯丹,訾非. (2010). “蚁族”的消极完美主义人格及其心理健康状况研究. 中国健康心理学杂志, 18(5) , 601-604.
马敏,訾非. (2009). 消极完美主义人格特质的质性研究. 中国健康心理学杂志, 17(8), 987-990.
June 26-30, 2018: Oral presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Transformational Process and Transformational Abilities in the Context of the Creative Process. (Montreal, Canada)
Jul 9-12, 2013: Poster presentation at the 13th European Congress of Psychology. Life Story of College Student with Perfectionism Personality. Min Ma & Fei Zi. (Stockholm, Sweden)
Mar 15-16, 2012: Workshop Speaker at 2012 Georgia Association for Gifted Children Conference in Callaway Gardens. Creativity strategies: Making it strange. Min Ma & Takuya Iwata. (Georgia, USA)
Nov 15-18, 2012: Poster presentation at the 59th annual NAGC convention and Exhibition. A Theoretical Model of the Creative Process. Min Ma & Fred Van Oystaeyen. (Colorado, USA)
Oct 6, 2011: Workshop Attendee--Unlocking Children’s creativity. (Brussels, Belgium)
Feb 29, 2012: Workshop Attendee--Torrance test for creative thinking-Verbal (TTCT-Verbal). (Georgia, USA)
Mar 1-3, 2012: Workshop Attendee--Torrance test for creative thinking-Figural (TTCT-Figural). (Georgia, USA)
Oct 19-22, 2011: Poster presentation at International Conference of Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY). A qualitative study on personality traits of negative perfectionist. Min Ma & Fei Zi. (Istanbul, Turkey)
马敏😢、余小霞等译. (2017). 整合疗法:100个关键点与技巧. 玛丽亚∙吉尔伯特(Maria Gilbert), 瓦尼娅∙奥兰斯(Vanja Orlans)著. 北京👩🏿🦰👩🏿🔧:化学工业出版社.
訾非🧋,马敏 著. (2010). 完美主义研究. 北京: 中国林业出版社.
马敏参编. (2008). 职场心理卫生学. 北京: 人民卫生出版社.
2020.7- 担任中国青年志愿者协会理论研究专委会委员
担任Psychological Reports, Current Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, 心理与行为研究等期刊审稿人