Department of Psychology

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Yuan Yuan


Yuan Yuan   Associate Professor

Department of psychology

Institute of society and psychology

Central University of Finance and Economics

Master tutor (deputy director of the department of psychology)

Professional direction: Personality psychology; Psychological counseling and psychotherapy

Research interests: the formation and growth of personality; psychological counseling and psychotherapy; Imagery Communication Psychotherapy; psychogenic disorder

Education background

In 1999, graduated from the department of philosophy, Beijing Normal University, received a master's degree.

In 1995, graduated from the department of philosophy, Beijing Normal University,

received a bachelor's degree.

Work experience

Since 1999, worked in the department of psychology, CUFE.

Scientific research project

Flipped school: instructional design, course construction and evaluation system (2014-2015). Center for faculty development, CUFE. Chair.

Research on case teaching and classroom practice and training of the course “psychological counseling and psychotherapy” (2015-2016). Center for faculty development, CUFE. Chair.

Open online course “psychology for university students” (2015-2017). Dean’s office, CUFE. Chair.

Navigation project on teachers’ mental health in Beijing chaoyang district: self-discovery in 2011, psychological skills training (2011.4-12). Horizontal topic. Chair.

“Growing dream +” project on Guomei home primary school in Beijing chaoyang district (2014.2-8). Horizontal topic. Chair.

Published papers

Yuan Yuan. (2006). Comparison of Chinese and foreign economic psychology.  Guangming Daily (theory). 2006.8.7(12).

Yuan Yuan. (2008). Exploring level 3 aid model of life and psychological reconstruction after a disaster. China Society. 2008.7.7.

Yuan Yuan. (2008). Cultivation mood in the education of personality quality for college students. Cf. the university party construction and ideological and political work in the new period (Ed.). 2008.5.1.

Liu Caiyi, Yuan Yuan (corresponding author), Hou Wenjun, Guo Qiaohui. (2014). Imagery projective test of mental health: test development, reliability and validity. China Journal of Health Psychology, 22(2), 200-203.

Yuan Yuan. (2014). Growth in love and break up. Newspaper of CUFE. 269(3).

Yuan Yuan. (2016). Interpretation of “choosing weapons” imagery. Psychology: Techniques and Applications, 4(5), 306-312. (Central university special funding for basic scientific research).

Yu Xiaoxia, Xin Ziqiang, Yuan Yuan (corresponding author). (2016). The rhetoric effect of scale: the type, mechanism and control method. Psychology: Techniques and Applications, 4(9).

Published works

Yuan Yuan. Self-acceptance and Imagery Communication Psychotherapy. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2006. (The national “11th five-year plan” key books).

Yuan Yuan. Clearing In the Mind When Clouds Cover Month. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2007.

Yuan Yuan. Light And Shadow: Movie Analyzed By Imagery Communication Psychotherapy. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2008. (The national “11th five-year plan” key books).

Yuan Yuan (English author). The Psychotherapy Method from the Orient: Imagery Communication Psychotherapy. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2008. (The national “11th five-year plan” key books).

Yuan Yuan (Participated Ed). Practice Reference of Mental Heducation of Primary and Secondary Schools. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2010. (The national “11th five-year plan” key books).

Yuan Yuan (Deputy Ed). Tentacles of Gender. Kaohsiung: Taiwan Wanyou Publishing House, 2011. (The project of psychology direction of female’s/ gender subject construction and development).

Yuan Yuan. Hinting Something—Psychoanalysis of Classical Myths and Fairy Tales. Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2012. (3rd phase of Central University of Finance and Economics 211).

Yuan Yuan. Operation Guidelines of Imagery Communication Psychotherapy. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2012. (CUFE scientific innovation team support plan).

Yuan Yuan. Clinical Technology Summary of Imagery Communication Psychotherapy. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2013.

Yuan Yuan. The Psychology of Fairy Tales. Taipei, Taiwan: National Publishing House, 2014.

Yuan Yuan. Being Worm Parents—understand children’s psychological language. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2014.

Yuan Yuan. Cases of Psychological Counseling Practice. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2015. Master of Applied Psychology (MAP) professional construction achievement, CUFE.

Yuan Yuan (English author). PSYCHOTERAPIA WSCHODU PSYCHOTERAPIA WYOBRAŻENIOWA. Poland:  Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek,2016.

Social service and social work

Adjuster for the test of national professional secondary psychological consultant  

Supervisor and trainer for the first psychological aid public benefic hotline—“April Day” female sexual injury of psychological aid hotline

Managing director of research center of Imagery Communication Psychotherapy (ICP) (in charge of academic research)

Deputy director of ICP professional committee, China association of psychological intervention

Chief tutor of Imagery Communication Psychotherapy, the international institute of Fengnian spiritual growth

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