Department of Psychology

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Lv Jieyu


JIE-YU LV(杰妤)  




Departmentof Psychology,

(ResearchCenter for Economic Psychology)

Schoolof Sociology and Psychology,

CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics







The current research project is to addressthe effect of a sense of fairness on human cooperation via laboratoryexperiments, in which public goods game is adopted. A broad research interestfocuses on the cognitive and neural mechanism underlying cooperative decisionmaking within group (intra-group cooperation) and the role of empathy, a senseof fairness on such mechanism


Published: factor: 1.13)  

Tian,F., Tu, S., Qiu, J., Lv, J. Y., Wei, D. T., Su, Y. H., &Zhang, Q. L. (2011). Neural correlates of mental preparation for successfulinsight problem solving. Behavioural Brain Research, 216(2), 626-630.doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2010.09.005 (Impact factor: 3.298)

Lv, J. Y., Wang,T., Tu, S., Zheng, F., & Qiu, J. (2011). The effect of different negativeemotional context on involuntary attention: an ERP study. Brain ResearchBulletin, 86(1-2), 106-109. doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.06.010 (Impactfactor: 2.771)

Su,Y., Chen, A., Yin, H., Qiu, J., Lv, J. Y., Wei, D., . . . Wang,T. (2010). Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying self-referencialprocessing evoked by self-hand. Biological Psychology, 85(2), 219-225. (Impactfactor: 3.945)

Lv, J. Y., Wang,T., Qiu, J., Feng, S.-H., Tu, S., & Wei, D.-T. (2010). Theelectrophysiological effect of working memory load on involuntary attention inan auditory杤isual distraction paradigm: an ERP study. Experimental BrainResearch, 205(1), 81-86. (Impact factor: 2.036)



25th April2017,Kou Yu抯 Lab Meeting,School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, CHINA; The Effect ofEmpathy on Cooperation; (Oral)

16th-17thJune 2016,Cooperation and Self-Control Workshop, hosted by The Self-Control and the Person group, King抯College London, London; (Attendee)

7th-8thMar.2016,Empathy Neuroscience: Translational Relevance for ConflictResolution, The British Academy, London; (Attendee)

8th-9thOct.2015,Birmingham PhD. Decision Making Workshop, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK; (Oral)

16th-20thAug.2015,the 25th Subjective Probability, Utility, and DecisionMaking Conference (SPUDM25),Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; 1) Status and Empathy on Coopertion; 2) Value and Empathy on Coopertion (Oral)

9th Jan.2015, Perspectiveson Human Cooperation, UCL Anthropology, London, UK; (Attendee)

21st-24th Nov.2014,the35th Annual Conference for the Society for Judgment and Decision Making,Long Beach, California, USA; (Poster)

9th-12th Sept.2014,DecisionMaking Bristol 2014, Bristol, UK; (Poster)

18th-24th Aug.2013,the24th Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM24),IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain; (Attendee)

6th Mar.2013,GW5-BrainStimulation Workshop, University of Bath, Bath, UK; (Attendee)

17th-20th Aug.2010, the 7thInternational Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), Beijing,China; Neural correlates of Aha experience during insight problem solving;(Oral)



2017-2019: Leading a project 揺mpathy, a sense offairness and cooperation?funded by 揅UFE Teacher Development Funding?(QJJ1728).(25,000 RMB)

2012-2016: PhD project 搕he impact of empathy on human cooperation?jointly funded by Queen Mary University of London and China Scholarship Council(CSC201206990009) supervised by Dr. Magda Osman (Queen Mary University ofLondon) and Dr. Michael J. Proulx (University of Bath); role:experimental design, data programming and collection; data analysis andmanuscript writing up

2011-2013: Lead the research project 搘orse empathy of one-childcompared to children with siblings in China, evidence from neuroscience?supportedby the Fundamental ResearchFunds for the Central Universities(SWU1109085). (5,000RMB)

2011-2012: Master project 損ain empathy modulated by facialattractiveness, evidence from ERP and fMRI?supervised by Prof. Jiang QIU

2010-2011: ?/span>the neuralbasis of ugly face perception and subjective preference using ERP and fMRI?supervised by Prof. Jiang QIU; role: experimentaldesign, programming, data collection and manuscript writing up?

2008-2010: 搕hebrain mechanism of social comparison in teenagers?lead by Prof. Jiang QIU, role:in charge of Multi-person comparison in undergraduates

搕he electrophysiological effects ofworking memory load and emotion context on involuntary attention in anauditory-visual distraction paradigm?lead byProf. Jiang QIU, work withTing WANG; role: write up manuscript

2008: Bachelor project 揟he exploratory of father impression in undergraduatestudents?lead by Prof. Fanfeng HUI


11-16th July 2016: The European Association for Decision Making (EADM)third Judgment and Decision Making (JDM) Summer School, University ofAmsterdam, The Netherlands.

16-18th May 2013: Statistical Parametric Mapping Short Course SPM forfMRI and MRI/VBC, Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK


July.2017-Feb.2018: 揇iscovering statistics using R?(BilingualModule) for Applied Psychology major (Economic Psychology) postgraduatestudents in CUFE

July.2017-Feb.2018: 揝tatistics for Psychology?for AppliedPsychology major (Economic Psychology) undergraduate students in CUFE

July.2017-Dec.2018: 揚sychology and Life?(English Module) forfundament student for oversea university application students in CUFE


July.2017-Present: Lecturer(Assistant Professor), Department of Psychology, School of Sociology andPsychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, CHINA  

Sept.2012-Dec.2016: Ph.D.,Experimental Social Psychology, Dynamic Learning and Decision Making (DLDM)Lab, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (A member of 揜ussell Group?of leading British universities)

Sept.2009-July 2012: M.Ed.,Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing, China (Top 3 psychologydepartment, one of ?11 project?universities)

Major:Cognitive Neuroscience; Courses involved: ERP& fMRI;

Sept.2005-July 2009: B. S., Psychology,Southwest University, Chongqing, China


Programming: E-prime,Matlab (Psychotoolbox)

Data analysis: SPSSand R (for statistics), SPM8 (for fMRI data), Brain Product and BESA& Eeglab (for ERP data)

Reference Manager:EndNote



Sept.2014-July2015 Organizer of SBCSPsychology Journal Club in Queen Mary University of London

Oct.2014-Dec.2015 Demonstrator (teachingassistant) for 2nd year psychology undergraduate students in QueenMary psychology modules 揜esearch Methods and Statistics in Psychology?& 揈ssentialSkills for Psychologists?for Dr. Tiina Eilola

June.2008:Providingprofessional psychological support for survivals in the ?.12WenChuan earthquake? Sichuan, China

March.2008-May.2008:Volunteerina junior school as Mental Health and English teacher in Xinjiang Province forthree months, China



2014-2015?Queen Mary University of London postgraduate research fund (PGRF) for supportingto go to conference in USA (?,467)

2009-2012牋?SouthwestUniversity (SWU) Excellent Academic Thesis award; SWU Excellent student & SWUfirst class award during postgraduate period (top 5/100)

2007-2008牋?Excellentindividual in Psychological Assistance in Sichuan Earthquake award by DeYangBureau of Education


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